Support for investments in agricultural companies for the diversification and development of non-agricultural activities (Social agriculture). The program is aimed at financing the implementation of social agriculture interventions. From the remodeling meetings it emerged how the pandemic and the crisis have inevitably influenced the needs of the territory, which increasingly needs social inclusion and cohesion projects that actively and proactively involve the community. Although sustainable tourism and the development and innovation of local production chains and systems have been confirmed as priority thematic areas, the need to finance social agriculture, hippotherapy, onotherapy, etc.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of this Notice are the agricultural entrepreneurs referred to in article 2135 of the civil code. Investments made in one of the following BMG Municipalities are eligible for financing: Aritzo, Atzara, Austis, Belvì, Desulo, Gadoni, Gavoi, Lodine, Meana Sardo, Ollolai, Olzai, Oniferi, Ortueri, Ovodda, Sarule, Sorgono, Teti, Tiana, Tonara.
What does it predict
Eligible for financing are investments aimed at the construction or improvement of real estate, the purchase of machinery and equipment, intangible investments and related general expenses within the limit of 10% of the admitted investment or 5% if the investment involves only the purchase of equipment and machinery. The maximum grant that can be granted amounts to €50,000.00. The submission of applications for support for an investment volume of less than 15,000 euros is not permitted. The support is provided as a non-repayable incentive, in the form of a capital contribution. The support percentage, calculated on the expenditure eligible for financing, is equal to 70%. The support is provided under the conditions set out in Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013 of the Commission of 18 December 2013, relating to the application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to "de minimis" aid.