The call for contributions to support business digitalisation 4.0 and the energy transition - year 2024 is financed by the Pistoia-Prato Chamber of Commerce as part of the strategic system initiative of the double digital and ecological transition. The call finances projects ALREADY COMPLETED AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION for: 1) digital innovation, which must concern at least one of the digital technologies (see List 1 of paragraph 3 of the Call); 2) energy efficiency, which must concern the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and participation in Renewable Energy Communities (CER).
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from all economic sectors that have their registered office in the territorial district of the Pistoia-Prato Chamber of Commerce can benefit from the benefits referred to in this Notice.
What does it predict
The benefits will be provided in the form of a non-repayable contribution and granted under the "de minimis" regime. The contribution will cover 50% of the total amount of expenses admitted and incurred up to a maximum amount of 5,000.00 euros, in addition to the bonus for companies in possession of the legality rating (equal to 250 euros) The minimum value of the investment admitted is €3,000.00. Expenses incurred starting from 1 January 2024 are eligible for: Line A (interventions for digital innovation) - consultancy and/or training services; - purchase of tangible and intangible capital goods, including devices and connection costs, functional to the introduction of the enabling technologies referred to in List 1 of the art. 2 paragraph 3 of this notice and possibly one or more technologies from List 2 of the same paragraph, provided that they are preparatory or complementary to those envisaged in the aforementioned List 1; Line B (interventions for energy efficiency) - energy audits, aimed at evaluating the initial "as is" situation of the company, to identify and quantify efficiency interventions and savings opportunities and define an energy improvement plan; - analysis of energy supplies, through the analysis of the contractual and accounting documents of the users , aimed at defining a program for optimizing the contractual parameters in light of the company's production characteristics. Only consultancy and training expenses are allowed for this line.