Call to support the competitiveness of youth businesses - Ferrara and Ravenna Chamber of Commerce

September 27, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Emilia Romagna


Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport Services, Tourism


2000 €





October 29, 2024
March 14, 2025


Opening at 10.00 on 29/10/2024, closing at 12.00 on 14/03/2025


As part of the "Extraordinary plan for young people's access to work and the promotion of doing business" launched by the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna to support youth employment and business development, also by virtue of the ecological transition and digital, the "Tender to support the competitiveness of youth businesses" was approved for the provision of non-repayable contributions to youth businesses registered in the Business Register for no more than 36 months. 

Who is it aimed at?

Requirements to be met at the time of submitting the application: be a youth enterprise under 35(1), registered in the Business Register for no more than 36 months; a) be a Micro, Small or Medium enterprise as defined in Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014;b) have registered office and/or local operational units in which the interventions are carried out in the territorial district of the Ferrara Ravenna Chamber of Commerce;c) be active and in good standing with registration in the Business Register;d) be up to date with the payment of the annual chamber of commerce fee; e) not being, where applicable, in a state of judicial liquidation, composition with creditors, and any other insolvency procedure envisaged by current regulations, as resulting from the chamber of commerce certificate; f) being in compliance with the payment of social security and welfare contributions (DURC);g) not having existing service supplies with the Ferrara Ravenna Chamber of Commerce at the time of granting the contribution.(1) for the requirements of youth businesses under 35 see the notes on page . 2 of the notice 

What does it predict

The contribution will be granted in the amount of 60% of the total amount of expenses incurred, net of VAT and other charges, up to a maximum of €2,500.00. The minimum amount of eligible expenses is €2,000.00, net of VAT and other charges. Female businesses (2) will be awarded a bonus of €250.00, which will be added to the contribution due. The contribution will be paid with the application of the 4% withholding tax, where due.(2) for the requirements of women-owned businesses, see the notes on page. 4 of the notice 

Objective – Purpose

Youth entrepreneurship, Start up/Business development

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

2000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

4167 €

Allowed Costs

Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

2750 €
Subject type
Business, Business - predominantly young people


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport Services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid


Emilia Romagna


Silver; Alfonsine; Bagnacavallo; Berra; Bondeno; Bagnara di Romagna; Brisighella; Casola Valsenio; Castel Bolognese; Hundred; Codigoro; Cervia; Comacchio; Copparo; Conselice; Ferrara; Cotignola; Faenza; Formignana; Tax; Fusignano; Jolanda of Savoy; Lagosanto; Goro; Masi Torello; Lugo; Massa Lombarda; Mesola; Mirabello; Hosted; Poggio Renatico; Portomaggiore; Ravenna; Ro; Riva del Po; Riolo Terme; Saint Augustine; Russians; Sant'Agata sul Santerno; Tresigallo; Rhinelands; Solarolo; Vigarano Mainarda; Voghiera; Tresignana

Special territorial scope

Internal areas

Other features

How to apply Applications can be submitted from 10.00 am on 29 October 2024 to 12.00 pm on 14 March 2025, unless they close early due to exhaustion of resources. The evaluation of the applications for the purpose of granting the contribution will take place according to the chronological order of presentation. The company will be able to submit only one contribution application. Participation in this call excludes the possibility of submitting an application on the "Call for support for the creation of businesses youth - 24SU". Applications must be sent exclusively electronically, after registering on the Webtelemaco Infocamere platform with digital signature of the owner/legal representative of the company. The application can also be sent via Webtelemaco by submitters, already registered with Webtelemaco, interested in forward the application on behalf of the company, without prejudice to the fact that all the documentation relating to the contribution request (i.e. basic form, application form and attachments) must be signed by the owner/legal representative of the company, in CadES pdf.p7m format .

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Ferrara and Ravenna

Primary regulatory basis

Extraordinary plan for access to work and the promotion of doing business: young people, economic development agents, Calls to support the creation and competitiveness of businesses: determinations
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Extraordinary plan for access to work and the promotion of doing business: young people, economic development agents, Calls to support the creation and competitiveness of businesses: determinations

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

100000 €

Reference site

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