Public notice in favor of small and micro artisan and commercial enterprises for the granting of a one-off non-repayable contribution in accordance with the Prime Ministerial Decree 09/24/2020.
Who is it aimed at?
Small and micro artisan and commercial enterprises can submit the application for assistance which: a) are active and have an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Roccantica or undertake new economic activities in the aforementioned municipal territory; b) are registered in the relevant sections of the Company Register established at the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce; c) are not subject to bankruptcy or preventive composition proceedings; d) must be in the full and free exercise of their rights, not being in a state of dissolution or liquidation and not being subject to bankruptcy, forced administrative liquidation or controlled administration procedures; e) must be in compliance with anti-mafia legislation, in particular certifying the absence of causes of prohibition, suspension or forfeiture provided for by the art. 67 of Legislative Decree 6/9/2011 No. 159 (Anti-Mafia Code); f) not having been convicted with a final sentence, or not having been the recipient of a criminal conviction decree which has become irrevocable or a sentence applying the sentence upon request, pursuant to art. 444 cpp, for serious crimes to the detriment of the State or the Community which affect the professional morality of the legal representative.
What does it predict
The contribution is granted in the form of a one-off non-repayable contribution, for: a) expenses relating to the company's adaptation to the "Shared protocol for regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in workplaces". work": purchase of PPE and other devices, such as PPE, thermolasers, sanitizing products, signs, displays with sanitizing gel and disposable masks, protective dividing screens, sanitization and professional sanitation of the premises; b) business management expenses: electricity, water, telephone, rent; c) expenses for renovation, modernization, expansion for product and process innovation of artisanal and commercial activities, or adaptation of the premises to anti-covid legislation; d) purchase of machinery, systems, furnishings and various equipment, for intangible investments, for building and plant works necessary for the installation and connection of the machinery and new production plants acquired.