The Call aims to incentivize REA companies/subjects in carrying out alternation and orientation activities aimed at students of secondary schools and Professional Training Centers (CFP)
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, their cooperatives and consortia falling within the definition of SMEs referred to in Annex 1 of Regulation no. can benefit from the benefits. 651/2014/EU of the European Commission, who have carried out one of the types of alternation and orientation activities envisaged by the Notice
What does it predict
The Notice provides for the provision of incentives to companies for courses actually carried out and documented starting from 01/01/23. The following are eligible for the purposes of the Call: a) courses for transversal skills and orientation (already school-work alternation) of at least 40 hours for each student; b) project work courses (to be understood as also including Enterprise in action courses /Simulated business) or other paths promoted or sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Maremma and Tirreno