The MNESYS project promotes and supports fundamental research activities in the field of "neuroscience", which are original, medium-large in size and have a low level of technological maturity (TRL).
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Large Enterprises external to the MNESYS Project, which compete in single mode, having the dimensional parameters referred to in Annex I of REG (EC) no., can request the benefits referred to in this Notice. . 800/2008 of the Commission of 6 August 2008 (General Block Exemption Regulation) in OJEU L 214 of 9.8.2008.
What does it predict
The project proposals must include the implementation of one of the following research topics: a) Development of In-vivo high-density probes for network electrophysiology in experimental animal models of stroke; b) 3D in-vitro high-density microtransducer arrays and advanced data analysis for neuronal network models of neurodegenerative diseases;c) High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence based computational Models for the development of Digital Brain Twins for neurodegenerative diseases;d) Development of an interactive and adaptive telemedicine cognitive rehabilitation module for the prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly.