The entity managing this Call is Sapienza University of Rome, as Leader of Spoke 2 of the National Center "National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology". Specifically, Spoke 2 aims to develop RNA-based therapies for the treatment of tumors and metastases as part of the CN RNA & Gene Therapy research program. The main activities are focused on the identification of molecular targets in human tumors that can be regulated by inhibitory RNAs, such as ASO or si RNA, the development of strategies to increase tumor immunogenicity using therapeutic RNAs, the identification and analysis of diagnostic, prognostic and treatment response biomarkers and the development of pipelines for anti-tumor vaccines.
Who is it aimed at?
All Beneficiaries must be either Companies or Research Organisations. The partners of the “National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology” project and the members of the “National Research Center – Development of Gene Therapy and Drugs with RNA Technology” Foundation cannot be beneficiaries of the funding provided for by this notice.
What does it predict
Sapienza University of Rome (hereinafter also just "Sapienza") as leader of Spoke 2 with this Public Notice intends to implement the "cascade calls" (financial support to third parties - FSTP or cascade funding) envisaged by the Centro project National “National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology” financed by the MUR, financing Research and Development and Collaborative Projects, i.e. carried out by Companies and Research Organizations in Effective Collaboration with each other. The funded Collaborative R&D Projects must be consistent with the themes of the National Center "National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology", the specific R&D objectives of Spoke 2, limited to WP 2.1, WP 2.2 and WP 2.3.