The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Cremona intends to support the beekeeping sector of the province of Cremona, affected by environmental and climatic variations which have led to drops in production. It is therefore intended to activate support for keeping the bee population alive, encouraging the purchase of bee families, the feeding of families, as well as the purchase of machinery and equipment that allow improving the efficiency of the production processes of bee nourishment. bees, processing and the qualitative increase of the finished product.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from Cremona with main or secondary ATECO code 1.49.3 or 1.49.30 or with main or secondary ATECO code 69, 70, 74. 90 are eligible for contributions under this call. In this last case, the companies must be owned by Associations that bring together at least 5 companies registered with the Cremona Chamber of Commerce and having a main or secondary ATECO code of 1.49.3 or 1.49.30;
What does it predict
The benefit consists of a non-repayable contribution, in the amount of 70% of the expenses incurred and within the limits indicated below: MSMEs with ATECO code with 1.49.3 or 1.49.30, minimum expenditure €500.00 - maximum contribution equal to €1,000.00MSMEs owned by associations with ATECO code 69, 70, 74. 90 which bring together at least 5 Cremonese businesses in the beekeeping sector, minimum spend €500.00 - maximum contribution equal to €8,000.00