Announcement 19.2.1 GSV1.15 – Support for investments in forestry technologies and in the transformation, mobilization and marketing of forest products envisaged by the Local Development Plan (PSL) 2014-2022 of the GAL (Local Action Group) Gran Sasso Velino. The Notice regulates the criteria and methods for granting aid in implementation of Sub-intervention 19.2.1. GSV1.15 “Support for investments in forestry technologies and in the transformation, mobilization and marketing of forest products”.
Who is it aimed at?
The initiative is aimed at forestry companies.
What does it predict
The incentive supports investments in forestry technologies and in the transformation, mobilization and marketing of products and forests. Among the interventions that are expected to be supported: - the modernization of production and transformation structures and equipment; - the introduction of new technologies and manufacturing processes - silvicultural interventions carried out according to the criteria of sustainable forest management, - the production of wood and non-wood products - the creation of wood-energy corporate supply chains.