Notice no. 01/2022 of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Program for the presentation of capitalization project proposals. The general objective of the call is to capitalize on the experiences and outputs achieved through the implementation of projects co-financed by the Interreg VA Italy Slovenia 2014-2020 Program which represent examples of successful cross-border cooperation that produce cross-border dynamics with significant outputs and impacts. Project proposals must be based on projects funded by the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia Program 2014-2020 with solid outputs to be disseminated or with strong potential for further dissemination and implementation across the entire program area.
Who is it aimed at?
The project partners can be public or private. The eligible area of the program includes the following NUTS 3 statistical regions: 5 Italian statistical regions (coinciding with the provinces of Venice, Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia and Trieste) and 5 Slovenian statistical regions (coinciding with the Primorsko-notranjska regions, Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Obalno-kraška and Goriška). The regions at NUTS 2 level of the program are: Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy and Vzhodna kohezijska regija and Zahodna kohezijska regija in Slovenia.
What does it predict
The announcement provides for the provision of non-repayable contributions for the implementation of cross-border cooperation projects.