Transformations Notice - Services for innovation and technological advancement and interventions for digital transformation to support SMEs

October 24, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, silviculture and fishing, agri -food, fashion and textiles, motor vehicles and other means of transport, chemistry and pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanics, metallurgy, furniture, wood and paper, construction, trade, ICT, transport services, hotel, catering, tourism , Health, culture, other services, craftsmanship


0 €





July 10, 2024
December 31, 2026


The submission of applications will be possible from 2.00 pm on 10/07/2024 until 2.00 pm on 31/12/2026, unless the funds are exhausted.
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The notice fully implements the direction "D3 - Digital transformation of businesses, in particular of MSMEs" of the Puglia Digital Agenda, approved by Don DGR n. 1604/2023, which intends to intercept the most strategic sectors and the most innovative supply chains, supporting the growth of the digital maturity and intensity of the entrepreneurial system and encouraging the acquisition of ICT technologies in service and manufacturing companies (Big Data, Analytics, Cloud, Blockchain, additive manufacturing, 5G, virtual reality and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, Digital Twin, Cybersecurity, etc.). 

Who is it aimed at?

The beneficiaries of the aid provided for by this Notice are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as defined pursuant to EU Regulation no. 651/2014 and the Ministerial Decree of 04/18/2005, in single or associated form, in a Temporary Purpose Association, Network Contract, Consortium or Consortium Company. Freelancers can also benefit from the benefits, as they are treated as small and medium-sized enterprises as operators of economic activities. 

What does it predict

The eligible interventions fall within the lines of intervention indicated below:1. Line A: support for initiatives oriented towards the purchase of consultancy services: - for technological, strategic and organizational innovation related to the ecological transition; - for the technological advancement of companies through technological solutions relating to software, machinery, organizational models, in relation to the ecological transition; - for the energy efficiency of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, with particular reference to companies whose activity involves significant energy consumption, even without falling within the definition of energy-intensive enterprise referred to in the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development 21.12 .2017.2. Line B: support for initiatives oriented towards the purchase of consultancy and technologies (hardware and software): - for process innovation supported by digital technologies; - for the development of digital platforms and solutions in the production and organizational processes of SMEs also through the use of ultra-broadband connectivity by businesses; - to exploit the potential of cloud, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, etc.; - to strengthen digital security, also to support business continuity ;- for the implementation of new methods of interaction with customers and suppliers (augmented and virtual reality and other digital approaches); - for the development of innovation and the acceleration of new production initiatives based on the use of digital technologies and telematic tools; - to expand the number of small and medium-sized regional businesses that make use of innovative digital services and hardware and software applications aimed at innovating the production, organizational and market sphere of the company. In the individual candidate projects it will be possible to select four types of services, to be chosen in one of the two lines or in both with a maximum of two services per line. 

Objective – Purpose

Start -up/business development, female entrepreneurship, digitalization, innovation and research, investment support, ecological transition, youth entrepreneurship, internationalization

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

540000 €

Allowed Costs

Personnel costs, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Maximum grantable benefit

270000 €
Subject type
Enterprise, Enterprise - predominantly female, Enterprise - predominantly young people, Enterprise - innovative SU/SME, Professional, Business network, Cooperatives/Non-Profit Associations, Consortium


Microimpresa, small business, medium enterprise, not classifiable/classified

Activity sector

Agriculture, silviculture and fishing, agri -food, fashion and textiles, motor vehicles and other means of transport, chemistry and pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanics, metallurgy, furniture, wood and paper, construction, trade, ICT, transport services, hotel, catering, tourism , Health, culture, other services, craftsmanship


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid



Other features

The overall financial allocation of the Notice is equal to €23,500,000.00 from the PR Puglia 2021 - 2027 - ERDF fund - Axis I - Action 1.2 "Services for innovation and technological advancement of SMEs" - Action 1.7 “Business digitalization interventions”. Projects candidate for financing are selected with an over-the-counter evaluation procedure. To manage the notice, the Region makes use of the Intermediate Body InnovaPuglia SpAHow to participate Applications for assistance must be forwarded, under penalty of exclusion, exclusively electronically, through the online procedure available on the portal to “Transformations” section

Managing entity

Puglia region

Primary regulatory basis

Determination of the Manager of the Digital Growth Section of people, territory and businesses n.64 of 06/24/2024 published in the BURP n.52 of 06/27/2024

Implementation measure

Determination of the Manager of the Digital Growth Section of people, territory and businesses n.64 of 06/24/2024 published in the BURP n.52 of 06/27/2024

Incentive allocation

23500000 €

Reference site in-support-of-SMEs

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