The purpose of this public notice is to support the participation of Tuscan self-employed professionals in training courses aimed at strengthening and updating professional skills and improving their career prospects
Who is it aimed at?
Freelance professional(s) who carry out intellectual activity, in possession of a VAT number registered exclusively to the applicant for the voucher or free professional(s) without individual VAT number who carry out the activity in an associated or corporate form, and belonging to one of the following typologies: 1) subjects registered in registers of professional orders or colleges; 2) subjects registered in professional associations included in the list referred to in Law 4/2013 art. 2 paragraph 7 and/or LR n. 73/2008 and subsequent amendments; 3) subjects registered in the INPS Separate Management as freelancers. The recipient(s) must also be in the following conditions: - be resident or domiciled in a Municipality of the Tuscany Region; - be at least 18 years of age and not exceed 65 years of age.
What does it predict
Training vouchers of various types are financed, reserved for freelancers who carry out intellectual activities for participation in training courses aimed at strengthening and updating professional skills. The maximum amount recognizable for each training voucher is Euro 3,000.00. The courses must be completed within 12 months from the start date, with the exception of university Masters and advanced training courses for which the actual duration is taken into account. The application (and the attached documentation required by the Notice) must be transmitted, exclusively by the interested party, via the "Online ESF project submission form" application at the address https://web.rete.toscana. it/fse3 – “Presentation of the online form for individual interventions”. The disbursement of the loan takes place in a single payment based on the hours of training actually carried out, as shown by certificates issued by the body providing the training.