Public notice for the implementation of projects aimed at promoting health prevention through sport, redevelopment and infrastructural and technological improvement of sports facilities

October 22, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Other services


0 €





September 20, 2023
November 19, 2023


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The Campania Region, through this intervention, intends to implement projects to support elderly people and disabled people, aimed at promoting personal autonomy, socialization, social skills, maintaining the cultural level, as well as promoting their social inclusion and health prevention through sport, also through the redevelopment and infrastructural and technological improvement of sports facilities. The Notice, for the part valid under the CAMPANIA 21/27 ERDF (line B), provides for projects for the redevelopment and infrastructural and technological improvement of the sports facilities owned, available and/or in use by the multifunctional social centers for activities in favor of elderly and disabled people, through expansion, strengthening, renovation, adaptation and/or modernization of existing public and private property. The financial allocation of the Notice for line B for line B - infrastructure for the elderly and people with disabilities, €20,000,000.00 from the resources of the PR CAMPANIA FESR 2021/2027, Priority 4 Development, Inclusion and Training - RSO 4.3 – Action 4.3.1. amounts to a total of €20,000,000.00, of which: – €2,000,000.00, for publicly owned infrastructures already or not yet available in the multifunctional social centres; – €200,000.00, for publicly owned infrastructures or privately managed by multifunctional centers in a private regime, also on behalf of a public body or in a mixed mode. 

Who is it aimed at?

The announcement is aimed at: - Semi-residential multifunctional social centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, authorized and/or accredited according to the Regional Regulation of 7 April 2014 n. 4, jointly with the public body that owns it, for interventions on publicly owned sports infrastructures (the intervention will be carried out by the public body that owns the property); - Semi-residential multifunctional social centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, authorized and /or accredited according to the Regional Regulation of 7 April 2014 n. 4, who carry out activities in a private regime, also on behalf of a public body or in a mixed mode, for interventions on privately and publicly owned structures. 

What does it predict

This Notice provides for: - for semi-residential multifunctional social centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, in conjunction with the public body that owns them, for interventions on publicly owned sports infrastructures, the granting of an incentive in the form of a capital contribution . The aid is granted in accordance with the provisions of art. 55 of Reg. 651/2014. The intensity of aid cannot exceed the maximum limit of 100% of the eligible costs. - for semi-residential multifunctional social centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, which carry out activities in a private regime, also on behalf of a public body or in mixed, for interventions on privately and publicly owned structures, contributions granted pursuant to the EU Regulation of the Commission of 18 December 2013, n. 1407 relating to the application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to “de minimis” aid. The total amount of the "de minimis" aid that can be granted must not exceed 200,000.00 euros, over a period of three financial years (the financial year within which the contribution is granted and the two previous financial years). 

Objective – Purpose

Social inclusion, Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

13025601 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses, Overheads/other charges, Plant/Machinery/Equipment

Maximum grantable benefit

13025600 €
Subject type
Public body, Consortium, Citizen


Not classifiable/classified

Activity sector

Other services





Managing entity

Campania region

Primary regulatory basis

Measures for the implementation of projects aimed at promoting personal autonomy, socialization, social skills, maintaining the cultural level, as well as promoting social inclusion and health prevention through sport, retraining and infrastructural improvement and technology of sports facilities

Implementation measure

Measures for the implementation of projects aimed at promoting personal autonomy, socialization, social skills, maintaining the cultural level, as well as promoting social inclusion and health prevention through sport, retraining and infrastructural improvement and technology of sports facilities

Incentive allocation

20000000 €

Reference site

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