Granting of non-repayable contributions for management costs incurred by commercial and artisanal economic activities operating in the municipal area of Ardara
Who is it aimed at?
To small and micro enterprises - referred to in the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18 April 2005, which: 1) carry out, at the date of adoption of the notice, economic activities in the commercial and artisanal sector (registered in the register of artisanal enterprises) through an operational unit (local unit) located in the territory of the Municipality of Ardara; 2) are duly established and registered in the Business Register - CCIA A -, or, in the case of artisan businesses, in the Register of artisan businesses and are active at the moment of the submission of the application; 3) do not have, for the year 2019, a turnover of less than €3,000.00; 4) are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy and are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures;
What does it predict
Provision of a non-repayable financial contribution in relation to belonging to the intervention bands referred to in the Municipal Council Resolution no. 24 of 07/21/2022.