Notice for the presentation of projects – Work + Safe Call – Veneto Region

October 24, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Electronics, mechanics, metallurgy, building, energy supply, water and waste management, other services, craftsmanship


0 €





June 18, 2024
October 1, 2024


The submission of the application/project through the specific system function (SIU) must take place, under penalty of inadmissibility, no later than 1.00 pm on 01/10/2024. The system prevents the submission of the application/project beyond this deadline. The submission of the application on paper is not foreseen.
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Call for training bodies accredited for the field of continuous training for the presentation of training projects for the promotion of a national campaign to strengthen training aimed at supporting the culture of health and safety at work in implementation of the Framework Collaboration Agreement between INAIL and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces 14 July 2023.

Who is it aimed at?

Project proposals can be presented by: - ​​subjects registered in the list referred to in Regional Law no. 19 of 9 August 2002 (“Establishment of the regional list of accredited training bodies”) for the field of continuous training; - subjects not registered in the aforementioned list, provided they have already submitted an application for accreditation for the same field pursuant to the Resolution of the Regional Council n. 359 of 13 February 2004 and subsequent amendments and additions pursuant to DGR n. 4198/2009 and DGR n. 2120/2015. The final recipients of the initiative are: workers employed in companies operating in units located in the regional territory, business owners, business assistants, freelancers and self-employed workers.

What does it predict

Provision of contributions in order to promote the strengthening of the training required by current legislation, as an opportunity to support the culture of health and safety in the workplace and encourage a concrete transfer of knowledge, to support risk awareness, for the adoption of more correct prevention measures, through the implementation of training interventions on health and safety at work of an additional nature to that provided for by the State-Regional Agreements which regulate training on health and safety at work.

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

916273 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses

Maximum grantable benefit

916273 €
Subject type
Business, Professional


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise

Activity sector

Electronics, mechanics, metallurgy, building, energy supply, water and waste management, other services, craftsmanship


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Managing entity

Veneto Region

Primary regulatory basis

Projects relating to the implementation of additional training interventions aimed at supporting the culture of health and safety at work as part of the national campaign implementing the Framework Collaboration Agreement between INAIL and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces 14 July 2023

Implementation measure

Projects relating to the implementation of additional training interventions aimed at supporting the culture of health and safety at work as part of the national campaign implementing the Framework Collaboration Agreement between INAIL and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces 14 July 2023

Incentive allocation

916273 €

Reference site

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