The support provided by the measure is a mix between a direct non-repayable grant and a plant contribution determined on the amount of interest relating to the bank loan. In determining the GSE (Gross Subsidy Equivalent), the release of any guarantees on the bank loan is also envisaged. The aims are to raise the quality standards of the offer and improve services from an ecological and green perspective, but also the digitalisation of companies operating in the tourism sector, the training of operators, the support and qualification of regional employment included female employment.
Who is it aimed at?
The Mini PIA Tourism Public Notice - Integrated Concession Packages is aimed at tourism-hotel businesses of all sizes, therefore large, medium, small and micro, business networks and consortia.
What does it predict
Productive investment programs must include eligible expenses not exceeding 90% of the integrated package; the additional expenses must necessarily include the innovation or training program, which may also be associated with further expenses, for consultancy and internationalization services, for participation in trade fairs, for interventions in environmental protection and energy efficiency. Investments relating to the business network/consortia program must be between 500 thousand euros and 2 million euros.