The Call aims to relaunch the production system's propensity to invest, through the attraction and development of new investments suitable to act as a driving force for the consolidation of the local entrepreneurial fabric and support for all production chains. In this context, interventions may be supported for the promotion of productive investments and industrial reconversion and for the redevelopment and reconversion of disused industrial areas. The objective is to: - incentivize investments by companies not yet active in Piedmont; - attract Piedmontese companies that have relocated production, but which intend to resettle in the regional territory; - consolidate and root existing companies, through support for a new investment that is functionally different from the existing one; - incentivize redevelopment interventions on abandoned production sites.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs and mid-cap companies with an active production process that are configured as: - companies not yet active in Piedmont which intend to make a new investment in Piedmont; - companies present in the past in Piedmont can request the benefits referred to in this announcement. , who intend to resettle through a new investment; - companies already active in Piedmont who intend to make a new initial investment in the regional territory. The following interventions are eligible: For companies not yet active in Piedmont or which intend to resettle in the regional territory (letters a. and b. of paragraph 2.1 of the notice), investments aimed at the creation of new plants for the production of goods or services functional and closely linked to industrial activity. For companies already active in Piedmont, investments aimed at: i) the creation of a new local unit; ii) the expansion of the capacity of an existing local unit, to be understood as new square footage actually used for production purposes; iii) the diversification of the current production of goods or services that are functional and closely linked to industrial activity.
What does it predict
The relief provided by the tender can cover up to 100% of the project costs deemed eligible and is divided as follows: Subsidized financing: for SMEs and mid-cap companies, up to 100% of the project value with intervention of PR ERDF resources equal to 70% at zero interest and with bank resources for the remaining 30%. Non-repayable contribution: only for SMEs, a non-repayable contribution quantified on the basis of the available GSE (net of the GSE of the loan) and within the limits shown in the table referred to in par. 2.12.4 of the notice. The contribution is recognised, and paid following the reporting controls, only if the quantified amount is greater than €500.00.