AI for Umbria – innovative services for the introduction and experimentation (Proof of Concept – PoC) of artificial intelligence solutions

October 10, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


30000 €





October 30, 2024
February 28, 2025


The transmission of applications is possible from 10:00 am on 10/30/2024 to 12:00 pm on 02/28/2025. Compilation is possible from 10:00 am on 10/21/2024.
Share fact sheet


The objective of the Notice is to support the acquisition of innovative services aimed at the introduction and experimentation (Proof of Concept - Po C) of artificial intelligence solutions aimed at product and process innovation within the corporate context - in the scope of the trajectory "Systems and technologies for the diffusion of the web economy, the data economy, supercomputing and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain, IOT, cloud and edge computing, 5G" of the "Intelligence" directorate identified by the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (S3). 

Who is it aimed at?

The Notice is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the Umbria region. 

What does it predict

The benefit consists of a non-repayable contribution of 50% calculated in reference to the amount of expenses deemed eligible to support the acquisition of specialist consultancy/support services aimed at supporting the processes of innovation, technological and digital transformation of businesses through AI. 

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

30000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

150000 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

15000 €

Maximum grantable benefit

75000 €
Subject type


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


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Acquasparta; Allerona; Alviano; Assisi; Amelia; Arro; Attigliano; Basques; Avigliano Umbro; Bastia Umbra; Bettona; Bevagna; Campello sul Clitunno; Cannara; Calvi from Umbria; Cascia; Castel Ritaldi; Castel Giorgio; Castiglione del Lago; Cerreto di Spoleto; Castel Viscardo; Citerna; Città della Pieve; Città di Castello; Collazzone; Corciano; Costacciaro; Deruta; Fabro; Ferentillo; Foligno; Vico moat; Ficulle; Fratta Todina; Janus of Umbria; Jupiter; Gualdo Cattaneo; Gualdo Tadino; Guardea; Gubbio; Lisciano Niccone; Lugnano in Teverina; Mansion; Marsciano; Massa Martana; Monte Castello di Vibio; Montecastrilli; Montecchio; Montefalco; Montefranco; Montegabbione; Monteleone di Spoleto; Mount Santa Maria Tiberina; Monteleone d'Orvieto; Montone; Nocera Umbra; Narni; Norcia; Orvieto; Utricles; Paciano; Panic; Parrano; Passignano sul Trasimeno; Perugia; Penna in Teverina; Piegaro; Pietralunga; Poggiodomo; Preci; Polino; Porano; San Giustino; Saint Anatolia of Narco; Saint Gemini; Scheggia and Pascelupo; Scheggino; San Venanzo; Sellano; Seal; Spello; Spoleto; Stroncone; Terni; Todi; Torgiano; Trevi; Tuoro sul Trasimeno; Umbertide; Valfabbrica; Vallo di Nera; Valtopina

Managing entity

Umbria region

Primary regulatory basis

European Commission regulation no. 651/2014 amended and integrated with EU Reg. 3515/2023 - Establishment of the aid scheme for SMEs for services pursuant to art. 18

Implementation measure

European Commission regulation no. 651/2014 amended and integrated with EU Reg. 3515/2023 - Establishment of the aid scheme for SMEs for services pursuant to art. 18

References Official Journal

50 of 02/10/2024

Incentive allocation

1000000 €

Reference site

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