Public notice in favor of micro and small artisan and commercial businesses located in the territory of the Municipality of Poggio Catino for the granting of a one-off non-repayable contribution from the 2022 support fund for economic activities in internal areas.
Who is it aimed at?
The micro and small artisan and commercial businesses that: a) are active and have their operational headquarters in the Municipality of Poggio Catino in the period between 01-01-22 and 12-31-22 have the right to propose the contribution application; ) are registered in the relevant sections of the Business Register established at the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce; c) they must be, on the date of submission of the application, in the full and free exercise of their rights, not being in a state of dissolution or liquidation and not being subject to bankruptcy, compulsory administrative liquidation or controlled administration procedures; d) be in compliance with the anti-mafia legislation and) not have been convicted with a final sentence, or not have been the recipient of a criminal decree of conviction which has become irrevocable or sentence of application of the sentence upon request, pursuant to art. 444 cpp, for crimes to the detriment of the State or the Community which affect the professional morality of the legal representative; f) be in compliance with contributory and regulatory obligations.
What does it predict
The provision of a one-off non-repayable contribution to support economic activities in internal areas.