Modernization of agricultural machinery – PNRR Puglia Region

February 22, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, forestry and fishing







January 2, 2024
March 31, 2024


No additional notes
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With the public notice and in accordance with articles 5 and 7 of Ministerial Decree 413219/2023, it is intended to support interventions for investments for the modernization of the agricultural machinery fleet and in precision agriculture systems for the efficiency of agricultural production. Specifically, the intention is to: a) support investments in machinery and equipment for precision agriculture; b) replace off-road vehicles for agriculture and livestock farming; c) support investments in the innovation of irrigation and water management systems. To comply with the purpose of the Submeasure, as established in Schedule A of Annex I to Ministerial Decree 413219/2023, investments must involve:i. an effective improvement in energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions and polluting substances on the applicant's production system;ii. that the vehicle or machine has zero direct CO2 emissions, or is powered by biomethane or electricity and with the battery pack of the electric vehicle that provides for a correct disposal/recovery procedure consistent with the national/European legislation in force, and that it is foreseen the replacement of a correctly disposed of (scrapped) vehicle;iii. that the equipment and electronic devices have been produced in compliance with environmental regulations and are adequately prepared for correct management at the end of their life cycle, as well as foreseeing electricity consumption in line with good European production practices;iv. improving effects regarding the use of water resources and/or saving them;v. ameliorative effects on the reduction in the dispersion of nutrients and/or pesticides. The interventions carried out cannot lead to a worsening of environmental conditions and natural resources, and must comply with national and EU regulations on environmental protection. The financed projects will have to guarantee, on the basis of the conditionalities envisaged for the use of the PNRR resources allocated to the Submeasure, compliance with the DNSH principle, referred to in Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 and the sheets referred to in the circular RGS no. 32/2021 and, also, compliance with the specific principles and obligations of the PNRR relating to tagging for climate and digital support.

Who is it aimed at?

The beneficiaries of the support referred to in this Notice, pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, of Ministerial Decree 413219/2023, are the micro, small and medium-sized agro-mechanical enterprises and the micro, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises and their cooperatives and associations, as defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2022/2472. In the case of agro-mechanical companies, the reference ATECO code for the activity carried out is A. 01.61.00. Therefore, they carry out agromechanical activities as identified in the art. 5 of Legislative Decree 99/2004. In the case of agricultural companies, the support is granted to active farmers pursuant to Article 4 of Ministerial Decree 660087/2022. Large companies and companies in difficulty, pursuant to Article 2, point (59) of the Regulation (EU ) 2022/2472.

What does it predict

With reference and in compliance with what is established in the previous chapter 5 "Description of the type of intervention" and without prejudice to the conditions already expressed, relating to the different areas of intervention for which support can be granted, equipment and devices which are eligible for support, as per the indications given in Section I "Eligible interventions and expenses" of the annex to Ministerial Decree 413219/2023. Pursuant to Article 7 of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree, only the cost of purchasing machinery, equipment and devices within the limits of their market value is supported. With reference to investments aimed at increasing the efficiency of water distribution, they must concern improvements to existing irrigation systems and systems, including the total replacement of pre-existing irrigation systems. Interventions that involve the construction of a new irrigation system and a net increase in the irrigated surface area are not permitted. Regarding fixed investments, these are eligible for support if their location falls on owned surfaces or rented pipelines. In the latter case there must be written authorization from the owner to carry out the interventions, to present Dd S and to receive the related aid.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Allowed Costs

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing





Managing entity

Puglia Region - Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environmental Protection

Primary regulatory basis

Decree defining the methods for issuing regional tenders relating to 400,000,000.00 euros, intended for the "modernization of agricultural machinery" sub-measure

Implementation measure

Determination no. DPD018/744 of 29/12/2023 PNRR, Mission 2, component 1, investment 2.3 "Innovation and mechanization in the agricultural and food sector" - MODERNIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY WHICH ALLOW THE INTRODUCTION OF PRECISION AGRICULTURE TECHNIQUES - Sub-measure "modernization of machinery agricultural products that allow the introduction of precision farming techniques. Notice approval.

References Official Journal

2 of 04/01/2024

Incentive allocation

47618688 €

Reference site

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