This is a subsidized loan for 85% of the eligible expenditure to which is added a capital contribution for the remaining 15%.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs in possession of the requirements specified in point 1 of the General Part and also having the following characteristics can benefit from the incentives for female entrepreneurship: – Individual businesses owned by women who have been resident in Veneto for at least 2 years; – Companies, including cooperative ones, whose members and administrative bodies are made up of at least two thirds of women who have been resident in the Veneto for at least two years and in which the share capital is at least 51% owned by women. These requirements must: a) exist at the time of the establishment of the company, if it is a new company; b) have existed for at least six months prior to the request for admission to the benefits, if it is an already existing business; c) remain in the first five years from the date of admission to the benefits and in any case for the entire duration of the subsidized operation, if longer, under penalty of revocation. SMEs already active and those intending to become active in the Veneto Region may be eligible for the benefits. The latter must be active at the time of the request for disbursement of the facilitated operation granted.
What does it predict
SMEs established or to be established pursuant to the Regional Law Regional Law 20 January 2000, n. 1 “Interventions for the promotion of new businesses and innovation in female entrepreneurship”. The interventions that could be presented on the cited fund can be presented on the single provisions. These provisions concern the development of the Veneto production system: for the Manufacturing - Commerce and Crafts sectors.