Public notice for the provision of non-repayable contributions for management costs incurred by economic, commercial and artisanal activities operating in the Municipality of Ovodda.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of this Notice are the small and micro enterprises that: a) carry out, at the date of submission of the application, economic activities in the commercial and artisanal fields (registered in the register of artisanal enterprises) through an operational unit (local unit) located in the territory of the Municipality of Ovodda; b) agricultural businesses that carry out commercial activities connected to the agricultural activity resulting from the business register; c) are duly established and registered in the Business Register or, in the case of artisan businesses, in the Register of artisan businesses and are active at the time of submission of the application; d) are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy and are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures; e) companies that are in compliance with the fulfillment of contributory, social security and welfare obligations, according to current legislative provisions (DURC); f) companies that are up to date with the payment of municipal taxes for the year 2022 and previous years: in the event of ascertained outstanding debts, they must be remedied before the conclusion of the preliminary investigation phase, within the deadline that will be communicated with a specific notice; the positions are also considered remedied with the signing of specific repayment plans possibly agreed with the Tax Office. Failure to comply will result in the applicant being excluded from the contribution.
What does it predict
The areas of intervention of this Notice concern management and investment expenses. The former include: expenses for renting the premises used for the business, expenses for sanitizing the premises, expenses for staff training, expenses for various utilities (telephone, electricity, water, fuel, waste, cleaning ), consultancy fees. Investment expenses, however, include: expenses for the purchase of premises, machinery and systems, furnishings and various equipment. Expenses for existing mortgage installments for the purchase of machinery and/or the property where the business is located, expenses for intangible investments, expenses for building and plant works, necessary for the installation and connection of the machinery and new production plants acquired .