Announcement for the granting of contributions for initiatives aimed at enhancing the city with the creation of decorations, lights and events that have the aim of "illuminating" and beautifying the neighborhoods during the Christmas period in the Municipality of Genoa.
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at: - the most representative Trade and Craft Associations in the Chamber of Commerce Council or service companies/entities whose shareholdings are held in an overall majority by such Associations; - the CIVs, Integrated Street Centres, aggregation of economic and commercial operators as defined by the art. 122 of lrn 1/2007 and subsequent amendments. (TUC), formally constituted in the form of a limited liability Consortium/consortium company (notarial deed registered with the Revenue Agency and transmitted to the Liguria Region), registered in the business register of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIAA) of Genoa and with a perimeter approved by the municipal administration on the date of submission of the application; - Consortia of commercial operators holding parking spaces in the covered municipal markets, which have the management of the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the markets themselves, formally constituted (notarial deed registered at the Revenue Agency) and registered in the business register of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIAA) of Genoa on the date of submission of the application.
What does it predict
The relief consists in the financing of the following initiatives: a) installations of decorations/furnishings (for example fir trees/ornamental plants/garlands etc..) and/or LED lights, or with other technological solutions aimed at guaranteeing the containment of energy costs , during the Christmas period; b) public events and/or public entertainment of a temporary and local nature inspired by the Christmas theme, only if carried out by those who have also installed decorations/furnishings/lights. Only in the case of trade associations or service companies/entities whose shareholdings are held in an overall majority by such associations, the events relating to the Christmas period will be eligible for contributions even if not related to the installation of the elements referred to in point a ).